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Being Transgender Today

After years of struggling for visibility and acceptance, transgender individuals and the issues they face came into the national spotlight in 2015.   Caitlyn Jenner Photo Credit: Annie…

Bruce Jenner

Born: Oct. 28, 1949Track & Field won gold medal in 1976 Olympic decathlon.

Jenner, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Jenner, Edward, 1749–1823, English physician; pupil of John Hunter. His invaluable experiments beginning in 1796 with the vaccination of eight-year-old James Phipps proved that cowpox…

William Ezra JENNER, Congress, IN (1908-1985)

Senate Years of Service: 1944-1945; 1947-1959Party: Republican; RepublicanJENNER, William Ezra, a Senator from Indiana; born in Marengo, Crawford County, Ind., July 21, 1908; attended public…


(Encyclopedia) cowpox, infectious disease of cows caused by a virus related to the virus of smallpox. Also called variola, it is characterized by pustular lesions on the teats and udder. Cowpox is…


(Encyclopedia) inoculation, in medicine, introduction of a preparation into the tissues or fluids of the body for the purpose of preventing or curing certain diseases. The preparation is usually a…

Waterhouse, Benjamin

(Encyclopedia) Waterhouse, Benjamin, 1754–1846, American physician, b. Newport, R.I. He studied at the universities of Edinburgh and Leiden. In 1783 he became professor on the first faculty of the…